Holiday Concert and Reception

Please join us for a CHV holiday tradition, a festive holiday concert by The Crickets -- and for the reception which will follow.

On Tuesday December 10, Carnegie Hill Village will present its annual holiday concertA festive reception will follow.   At the concert, we will welcome back The Crickets, who have entertained us in years past.  Happily, Crickets conductor Johnny Rabe is back with the group after a leave last year. The group will present a rousing repertoire, including plenty of lively commentary and old favorites, with an audience sing-along to follow.


After the concert, CHV members can meet and mingle at a holiday reception.  It's a great opportunity to greet old CHV friends, and to make new ones.   Guests are welcome at both the concert and the reception.  Here to is another great opportunity – the chance to bring guests who might be interested in joining CHV. Please do invite your friends!   The concert will start at 6PM, and both the concert and the reception will take place in Darlington Hall at the Church of the Heavenly Rest, on Fifth Avenue and 90th Street.    

If you would like to attend this event – and we hope you will – please press the green button at the bottom of this page.


Carnegie Hill Village - Event Host


December 10th, 2024 6:00 PM through  8:00 PM
Church of the Heavenly Rest
5th Avenue and 90th Street
New York, NY
United States

Registration for this event has closed.

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