Dinner at Isohama -- Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Please join us for a Group Dinner at Isohama Restaurant, where we can enjoy the best of Japanese cuisine in a friendly neighborhood atmosphere, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:00 pm. This moderately priced restaurant with an extensive menu is welcoming and friendly. It features excellent (and reasonably priced) sushi and sashimi but also has many other Japanese favorites. The 5-7 pm “early bird” menu is a real bargain. To see the menu, press here.
The restaurant is located at 1666 Third Avenue, between 93rd and 94th streets. Our dinner, for eight CHV members, is scheduled for 6 pm on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. As is our custom, we will order “Dutch treat” from the menu, with individual checks at the end of the meal. If you want to join us, please click the green button below. If, after registering, you find that you cannot attend, please let us know on the registration site or by email at [email protected]. That will enable us to include someone from the waitlist.
CHV Host -- Alden Prouty
New York, NY 10028
United States
Registration for this event has closed.
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